Recommended Laptop for H4PC

I am looking for some good suggestions on a laptop to use with H4PC. I would prefer a touch screen. I know the software is not demanding, I just need to know if anyone has had issues with touch screen laptops and if you have found one you liked.

Many thanks in advance!!
  • I'm using this:

    It has a 15.6" touchscreen, 1920x1080 MVA display, Intel i7 2.4Ghz quad core CPU, AMD 8770 GPU w/ 1GB VRAM, 8GB RAM and comes with a 1TB HDD. I've since switched out the HDD for a Samsung 840 Pro 256GB SSD that is quite snappy. The battery life is quite good. I get ~8 hours if I don't draft: I have Vectorworks set to use the GPU instead of the Intel HD 4000 IGP. I recently took a coast-to-coast flight and it was quite helpful to have the touchscreen for doing some pre-patching and show file setup before hitting the venue.

    I'd also recommend taking a look at this:

    It has an 11.6" touchscreen, 1366x768 IPS display, Intel Atom 1.8Ghz dual core CPU, Intel HD4000 GPU, 2 GB RAM, 64GB eMMC storage and only weighs 1.5 lbs (.04 lbs more than an iPad). Obviously this runs [b]real x86[/b] Windows 8 and not the (for our purposes) useless Windows 8 RT. With a wireless router tied into the HogNet adapter on a Hog4 console, I now have a full fledged RFU. It's currently on sale at Best Buy for $449. I don't have the keyboard dock (I've read not so good things about it - but then I've never intended this to be anything other an RFU and light media browser). I have been using a 10.1" Android tablet RDPing into a laptop for a couple of years and the extra screen real estate is [u]extremely[/u] useful.

    On the Samsung, all but the Samsung branded software is trial software, so away it went. On the Lenovo, all the pre-loaded software is useless.

  • I'm using this:

    It has a 15.6" touchscreen, 1920x1080 MVA display, Intel i7 2.4Ghz quad core CPU, AMD 8770 GPU w/ 1GB VRAM, 8GB RAM and comes with a 1TB HDD. I've since switched out the HDD for a Samsung 840 Pro 256GB SSD that is quite snappy. The battery life is quite good. I get ~8 hours if I don't draft: I have Vectorworks set to use the GPU instead of the Intel HD 4000 IGP. I recently took a coast-to-coast flight and it was quite helpful to have the touchscreen for doing some pre-patching and show file setup before hitting the venue.

    I'd also recommend taking a look at this:

    It has an 11.6" touchscreen, 1366x768 IPS display, Intel Atom 1.8Ghz dual core CPU, Intel HD4000 GPU, 2 GB RAM, 64GB eMMC storage and only weighs 1.5 lbs (.04 lbs more than an iPad). Obviously this runs [b]real x86[/b] Windows 8 and not the (for our purposes) useless Windows 8 RT. With a wireless router tied into the HogNet adapter on a Hog4 console, I now have a full fledged RFU. It's currently on sale at Best Buy for $449. I don't have the keyboard dock (I've read not so good things about it - but then I've never intended this to be anything other an RFU and light media browser). I have been using a 10.1" Android tablet RDPing into a laptop for a couple of years and the extra screen real estate is [u]extremely[/u] useful.

    On the Samsung, all but the Samsung branded software is trial software, so away it went. On the Lenovo, all the pre-loaded software is useless.

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