Recommended Laptop for H4PC

I am looking for some good suggestions on a laptop to use with H4PC. I would prefer a touch screen. I know the software is not demanding, I just need to know if anyone has had issues with touch screen laptops and if you have found one you liked.

Many thanks in advance!!
  • I am Running my Hog4PC on a Sonu VuZa Gaming Laptop Duel Core 2.6ghz (non-touch) Windows 7, and I have a External 19" Touch Screen plugged in. Works Great even with 4 Universes of Processing.

    Windows 8 Seems a little Glitchy to be running Hog4 on, Since windows takes Priority over other programs running, this can cause hog to Crash or Delay DMX Processing.
  • I am Running my Hog4PC on a Sonu VuZa Gaming Laptop Duel Core 2.6ghz (non-touch) Windows 7, and I have a External 19" Touch Screen plugged in. Works Great even with 4 Universes of Processing.

    Windows 8 Seems a little Glitchy to be running Hog4 on, Since windows takes Priority over other programs running, this can cause hog to Crash or Delay DMX Processing.
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