There is a bug in the library or better said the manual leads in the wrong direction. The RGB channels are shown as CMY in the manual. And so is the library build. But in the standard Mode mode of the fixture (RGBW) this gives inverted colour values. Might be your problem. So there are 2 options: * change the Mode at the fixture to CMY Mode (you will loose the white LEDs then, has nothing to do with the console) * open the DLX lib in the fixture builder, invert the cmy channels so that they are now 65523>0 and not 0>65535
And also check that the right mode is set at the DLX
If it is in cmy mode also then there is another problem Most of times when pan & tilt is working you have the wrong mode set at the fixtures The DMX charts start always with pan& tilt for ROBE Fixtures.
Yer I had a DLS in the other week for a trial (kinda similar) and had the same issues, spent a day messing around with various values in the fixture builder copying from DLX libs etc. but gave up in the end.. Talked the boss into not buying LED spots.. Well not for a while anyhow.. had the same issues with the DLX we trialed a while back.. Can usually fix most libs but this one did my head in..
I had DLX and DLS some days ago during a roadshow. Like mentioned above, the manual is leading in the wrong direction naming the RGB channels CMY I made a custom fixture based on the original fixture and inverted the values for CMY, then all was good. It is already reported to HES and should be fixed within th next update of the lib