Adjusting screen brightness on RH4?

How can I adjust brightness of the LCD screen on Road Hog 4? Holding down the setup key as described in section 3.1.4 of the manual doesn't work with the latest software (v1.2.0 b540).
  • Sorry for the late reply guys!
    What found is that if a monitor has both VGA and DVI inputs we adjust the external monitor instead of the internal.

    In my testing adjusting the Brightness and Gamma setting works correctly with DVI only monitors.
    I have logged a defect for this.
  • Sorry for the late reply guys!
    What found is that if a monitor has both VGA and DVI inputs we adjust the external monitor instead of the internal.

    In my testing adjusting the Brightness and Gamma setting works correctly with DVI only monitors.
    I have logged a defect for this.
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