GUI Request: Close window icon (X) larger


Wondering if anyone else thinks the (X) "Close Window" icon in the top right of directory windows is too small to hit quickly?
  • Agreed, though the answer will be .. buy a hog 4 and you will have direct access buttons ;-) JK. You can make a macro on a user key which I did and it makes life perfect ;-)
  • To be clear, I don't mean the close button in the window toolbar, That one appears to be the same size as hog 3. I mean the round X that is in the top right corner of every open window is much smaller.
  • [QUOTE=ShrunkenNed;68166]To be clear, I don't mean the close button in the window toolbar, That one appears to be the same size as hog 3. I mean the round X that is in the top right corner of every open window is much smaller.

    needs to be larger

    and a bit more to the inside, cause it is quite hard to touch it at the edge of the screen
  • Here's the size difference I'm referring to. It slows me down since it's harder for me to hit quickly
  • I agree it could be larger...

    That being said, I rarely use the "X".... I use "open+backspace" to close windows I have open. Generally, it's a fronted window I want closed so I use the keyboard shortcut.

    I like to keep my hands on the keypad as much as possible and this one works great. I also have an "ALL CLOSE" view on #7 since it lives right below the backspace. So, single window=open+backspace and all close=open+7.
  • Good call Jon. I should get in the habit of "Open"+ "Backspace".
    My ALL CLOSE is on View 10 so I can hit "Open" + 0 (less finger reach)
  • Thanks guys, I have logged a request for this.