Some HOG Issues...Bugs?

Hey guys
at the moment i'm not in front of a desk but noticed some issues / questions the past weekend. (on roadhog, using v1.2.1)
(I'm still Newbi at the HOG System)

1. when working with groupmasters on the physical masters, after a pagechange they snap to full (e.g. group "1/3", "2/3", "3/3" on page 1; "ALL" Group on page 2; on page 1 the first fader "1/3" is at 0 ->i change to page 2 where the "ALL" fader is the first and at 100->the "1/3" group from page 1 goes to 100)

2. e.g. i have HTP faders on 2 pages. when i manualy change pages with the "page" button everything works like expected. when i hit a macro (changepage 1) while on page 2 the HTP faders on page 1 will go to 100 (even when they were set to 0)

3. in my list view i have an empty sequence that releases the cuelists of that line (busk). while my laptop with HOG4PC was in the network session i realised that the macro of that "OFF cue" is not working. Kicking the laptop off the session made the "off" cue working again.

4. when i choose a master on page 1 i can operate with the frontpanels go/halt/back buttons. when i change a page then i cannot operate the prior choosen master with these buttons.
Can i just choose and operate lists from the current page?

5. How to quickly edit cues from non choosen lists?
e.g list 734 cue 5. Is there a short way instead of typing in:"list 734 cue 5 open" or by moving the list to a physical master to choose it?

6. how to reset the cuelist-rate i can change while holding down the choose button a move an encoder on a roadhog?

7. how to change the behaviour of a virtual master press? it is always "Go". how to change it to e.g flash (to use e.g. OW Strobe on a Command-function key)?

thanks to all
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