Colour RGB Under intensity?

For the life of me i cant not thing of a good reason to have RGB information under an intensity kind.

Wouldnt it be better to be in the Colour kind with a default of 100%?
  • There is a bug in the DLX DLS Profile
    I reported this already to HES.

    The manual is leading in the wrong direction cause it says CMY for the RGB channels..

    To fix it:

    Make a copy of the DLS fixture, set the cmy channels not 0 to 255 for the values, set the to 255 to 0
    This will invert it and then all is fine...

    I also had no luck when trying to change the mode remotly via the control channel
  • There is a bug in the DLX DLS Profile
    I reported this already to HES.

    The manual is leading in the wrong direction cause it says CMY for the RGB channels..

    To fix it:

    Make a copy of the DLS fixture, set the cmy channels not 0 to 255 for the values, set the to 255 to 0
    This will invert it and then all is fine...

    I also had no luck when trying to change the mode remotly via the control channel
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