Hog4pc LTC Midi Widget

Question for the forums:

I am running a show with a Hog4 as primary, and a Hog4pc with a DP8000 as back up, full tracking, failover, etc. We are using MIDI (MSC) and SMPTE in the show. The console has the MIDI and SMPTE plugged directly in to the installed hardware ports, and the Hog4pc has a LTC Widget plugged directly into the rack mount Hog4pc computer's usb port. When the widget is plugged into the rack mount pc, I can get the MIDI to show up, but not the SMPTE. Since, with HOG4s, the SMPTE processing is now handled by the DP8000, I moved the LTC Widget to the USB port on the DP8000. At that point I had SMPTE, but the Hog4PC can not locate the MIDI input any more.

Does this mean that I need TWO LTC widgets on the Hog4pc, one for Midi (Attached to the rack mount PC), and another for SMPTE, (attached to the DP8000)?

Or, is there a way to get the Hog4pc to locate the MIDI when the widget is plugged into the DP8000, or vice versa, locate the SMPTE when the widget is plugged into the PC?

(I kind of expected the PC to be able to see the MIDI when it was plugged into the DP8000 port, as the DP is plugged into the rack mount PC.

Thanks in advance for any advice!

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