I was doing a show yesterday using my Nano Hog 4 for live busking. I have many pages of Lists, some that repeat the same list obviously. What I noticed is about 1/2 way thru the night, some of the playbacks kept getting these blue/gray stripes where the name of the List usually is on the page. When this happened I no longer had the ability to release anything including Pig+Release. I also was no longer able to hit the play button and have it skip to the next cue in the sequence but I could hit the back button. The top and bottom indicator LED's were also flashing constantly. Not a show stopper but definitely inhibitive. I can't find anything in the manual to point me in the right direction. What is that, how did I accidentally make that happen and how do I correct it next time it decides to do that?
The multi banded master soft keys is an indicator that multiple masters have been selected. But I don't think that's the issue, as other weirdness was going on.
Check your log folder for an error file to send HES.
You were probably hammering on the playback bar and found a bug.
It sounds exactly the same. I experienced this as well, but was able to clear it up without rebooting. I don't remember what I did or which process I restarted that fixed it.
I had this problem the other day on a show with two networked FB desks and it does not just go away by pressing a choose button a few times. I had to reboot both desks to fix it, not really the thing you want to do during a show.