Having Network "issues"

Hello all - I am using Hog4 PC in a PC lab situation and my network folks are "shutting down" my accounts as the Hog seems to need to run on an account that has administrative privileges... funny high school students seem to like to be able to administer accounts and settings they shouldn't need to be messing with....:aiwebs_030:!

With windows 7 the program refuses to run because the computer "is making changes to this computer" and of course the default setting now in place with admin is the "hell no you are not making changes:nono:" setting.

Does someone know a work around (i.e. what files / folders need to be accessed / administered) so that I can get our tech folks to give students logging in permission to run the program:dunno:?


  • I REALLY doubt if it will work, but try changing the install directory to something that your user account will have full access to. Like %HomeDrive%%HomePath%\hog or %UserProfile%\hog

    if that doesn't work(and I'm assuming that your school implements active directory), see if they are willing to make you a local administrator on that computer. Which will give you total control over that computer, but still give you their predefined access everywhere else. It's been a while since I've had to do it, but if I remember correctly it goes something like this:

    On the computer your trying to set up with Hog:

    Open the computer management screen (right click on "My Computer" or "Computer" and then click manage)
    Navigate in the left pane to Local Users and Groups->Groups
    in the right pane find the Administrators group, right click and click on "Properties"
    In the window that pops up click "add"
    in the window that pops up enter DomainName\UserName or User@domain.local
    click ok
    click "apply and okay"
    try running hog
  • I REALLY doubt if it will work, but try changing the install directory to something that your user account will have full access to. Like %HomeDrive%%HomePath%\hog or %UserProfile%\hog

    if that doesn't work(and I'm assuming that your school implements active directory), see if they are willing to make you a local administrator on that computer. Which will give you total control over that computer, but still give you their predefined access everywhere else. It's been a while since I've had to do it, but if I remember correctly it goes something like this:

    On the computer your trying to set up with Hog:

    Open the computer management screen (right click on "My Computer" or "Computer" and then click manage)
    Navigate in the left pane to Local Users and Groups->Groups
    in the right pane find the Administrators group, right click and click on "Properties"
    In the window that pops up click "add"
    in the window that pops up enter DomainName\UserName or User@domain.local
    click ok
    click "apply and okay"
    try running hog
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