patch the fixtures, say universe 1 starting at 1, fixture numbers 101 > 104.
In WYG, make a universe (say A), patch them starting at 1, matching your patch in Hog4. Ensure that the channel # matches the fixture number. Also ensure that when you add your DP8k in WYG, that you set it to address 1
I find it easiest to patch each unit as 2 fixtures on the console (ShowGun Fixture and ShowGun Tracking Ring) for each actual fixture. Usually I'll number the main fixtures something like 201 thru 210 And the corresponding tracking rings 301 thru 310
It takes a little more time to patch the desk, but saves loads of programming time later.
In Wyg you only need to patch the one fixture for it work, just as with a real fixture in the real world.
Thanks. I ended up doing that. Having not worked with showguns before and having to get the show programmed before I actually had one, I wanted to make sure that I did not end up making more work for myself when I get to the venue.