I am installing a lighting system in a new venue. They have purchased two Hog 4 series consoles (Road Hog and Full Boar) for their two spaces. I am waiting on the consoles to be delivered, but want to test the DP8000 in each control rack. Since each rack has a PC, I install Hog4PC. I have set up HogNet and FixtureNet (sACN) IPs and connected each port to its respective switch to keep the protocols isolated.
Hog4PC sees the DP8000. However, it shows it with v3 firmware (which I assume is for the Hog3). I tried running the firmware upgrade. I see the DP process all of the upgrade files. However, it remains v3 instead of going to Hog4 v1.2.1. Is there a special sequence to switching it to Hog4 mode? I haven't been able to find it in the manual or supporting PDF files.