I'm extremely disappointed about this V2
Art-net merge: Your system is more an input selector (we chose art-net or hognet control) but not a real merger who should mix different types of signals with htp/ltp priorities.
A true Art-net merge would control a LED matrix system (for example) with a console + media server at the same time ....
New effect generator :
1st,"begin" and "end" value are only real values , why not be able to use presets ?
Anyway it would be much simpler to choose a "begin preset" and a "end preset" rather than seeking real value .....
2nd, it's impossible to apply a color (with color weel) or gobo in "begin" or "end" cell.....
With this release, how can we say that this console is better than its concurrent?
I sincerely hope that this will change as I confess that I do not feel the console more powerfull in V2 that V1.
For the moment, the soft hog 4 brings no "real" major changes compared to Fullboar3 v3.2.6 (except the command keys and hardware performance ... )