Parameter Times In Reference Palette Don't Indicate In Recorded Cue List

Ver 2.0 509b

Cuelist fade and delay times will indicate default cuelist time values when cues are recorded from a reference palette that contains independent parameter time values.


Make sure default programming timing in preferences is set to 2 sec globally.

Make sure position directory has mask set up to allow Position, Intensity and Time.

1. Select mover 1
2. Set tilt +90 and intensity full
3. Press "Time 1 Enter"
4. Press "Intensity Time Time .25 Enter"
5. Record as a Reference palette in position directory, making sure to include Position, Intensity and time. Name palette "Reference"
6. Without clearing the programmer, Record as a Direct palette in position directory, making sure to include Position, Intensity and time. Name palette "Direct"

7. Using the two palettes created, record each one into its own cue. You will notice that the cue that was recorded from the direct palette will show the proper times in the cuelist window, but the cue that was recorded with the reference palette will show a fade time of 2 sec and a delay of 0 sec which is the default time values.

I understand that the cuelist is not indicating proper timing values since it is referencing a palette, but now that we have the ability to create and program using timing palettes, it might be a bit confusing if the cuelists are indicating wrong times.


  • I just tried this, and although Chris is right about there not really being a reference, I actually created three with a direct palette, one with a regular palette, and a third masking reference(even though its not really referencing other palettes). All three cues do have the timing correct if you open the cue and look at the timing of the fixture, however, the timing info on the Playback Bar for the two cues using regular and reference palettes are displaying the default timing and not the timing of the fixture in the cue. There are no other fixtures in these cues, and no other parameters other than the ones that have the new timing values, so there should be no reason for the default timing being diplayed on the playback bar. The cue using the Direct palette is displaying the proper timing on the playback bar.

    Is what you were seeing Jeff?
  • I just tried this, and although Chris is right about there not really being a reference, I actually created three with a direct palette, one with a regular palette, and a third masking reference(even though its not really referencing other palettes). All three cues do have the timing correct if you open the cue and look at the timing of the fixture, however, the timing info on the Playback Bar for the two cues using regular and reference palettes are displaying the default timing and not the timing of the fixture in the cue. There are no other fixtures in these cues, and no other parameters other than the ones that have the new timing values, so there should be no reason for the default timing being diplayed on the playback bar. The cue using the Direct palette is displaying the proper timing on the playback bar.

    Is what you were seeing Jeff?
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