Missing Gobo images in media picker

Is there anyway to manually add, or report missing images in the media picker.

I found the Robe Clubscan 250CT has images for gobo 1,2,3,9 the rest are white circles that say gobo x,y,z
  • There will be an update in one of the next releases where you can change and upload your own images.
    I guess if some stuff is missing then it is due to the reason that there was no picture for that gobo available when creating the lib.

    Reports for that sould be done to the HES Support via email
  • Hello,

    If you find a fixture that has a gobo or color with a white circle that reads "gobo1" or "color1" that means we could not find the correct image or color listed in the manual or online. We have sent emails to the manufactures asking for this information.
    We decided to use this graphic instead of an image or color that was incorrect.
  • Sounds great, looking forward to adding all my own "custom" images :p

    Loving the update by the way, especially the whole default effect size being dropped down to a manageable value, I laughed out loud when I saw the note in the change log about it reducing truss shake. I could only imagine 50 heads on a chain fall going full tilt, Ha!