The show I'm working on has maybe 80 desk channels, 1 non-dimmable and 6 Studio Color 575's. It was originally created on Hog3PC. Later it was transferred to Hog4PC v.1.2.1. This all worked fine. Only with the update to v.2.0.0 (on Windows 8.1) things went strange...
While adjusting positions (palettes), at some moments Hog4PC did not react to keyboard input anymore. I could type "1" and it would say "Studio Color 575 1". Only pressing Enter (or Record or Merge) had no result. Restarting the PC helped, but the issue came back a couple of times.
Also the mouse pointer would disappear behind the encoder wheels at a certain moment. I could click and "turn" them, but this also ended up in the above "not-able-to-record-anything" issue.
While checking my cue's, movement effects on the Studio Colors were strange. They would do what they were doing in the previous version (on v.1.2.1), but much faster. I could change the bpm's of the effects and get something similar as before. I updated cues and that part worked fine.
I cannot recall if it were only effects stored as Effect palettes, or also with sine-waves recorded directly into cue's.
The worst thing that happened (and still happens) is a crash during the show. The (virtual) DP8000 goes "Offline" and the cue that is supposed to happen doesn't launch.
This issue happens on 4 cue's in my show, always at the same cue's. And only if they auto-follow another cue. If there is a time in the "Wait" column, that time counts down to 0.1s and then the (virtual) DP8000 crashes. This means I have to reboot my system.
If I remove the Wait Time, and hit "Go", all is fine. If I skip through the cue's using the back- and forward arrows, all is fine. Only when it automatically follows, it hangs.
I can reproduce this issue every time, it's always on the same cue's.
So far my experiences with a v.1.2.1 show on v.2.0.0 on Hog4PC on Windows 8.1 (using a single widget for DMX output). It also crashes "running" the show without the widget.
Another show (only desk channels and no effects) works perfectly fine...
Funny thing that happens (also in the previous version of Hog4PC on Windows 8.0), is after I switch windows using Alt-Tab on the laptop (to switch between frontpanel and primary screen), Hog4PC "thinks" I'm keeping Alt depressed aftwerwards. This always happens in this situation. When I hit "2" after switching Windows, it does "Choose-2" for me. When I just press Alt after I've switched windows, all is fine again. Sticky Keys are not turned on in Windows, that was my first thought...