Smal Pixel mapping

is there in the next update a pixel mapping or what are the plans?
it will be useful even if you have only 20 sunstrips or led fixtures
the video you do with a media server but for those little things very handy:)
  • [QUOTE=Marty Postma;73221]I wouldn't say a bitmap animator takes it far enough....just a still image that then moves around is OK, but not nearly dynamic enough. A low-res video file would offer much better options, or some sort of onboard file conversion that can take a higher res file and sample pixel areas to take it down to a lower res.

    Hey Marty,

    yes and no...
    I agree that it would offer much more options.
    I would love to see something like in Clarity.
    But no because of all the reasons you also mentioned: which files, which codec, processor load etc etc
    JB also mentioned one thing: when a problem occurs the whole system might be affected...
    And when I see the answers to my question which array size etc the people are using a animated bmp would be good for 90% or more, even if we had the chance to play real video it would be better.
    I think one of the main-differences to consoles like Clarity and Chamsys is that the HOG OS distributes the calculation to specific nodes and doesnt do all the DMX calculation in the console. Once a cue is programmed it is "stored" in the DP and the console only starts this cue and let all calculations be done by the DP.
    So that would mean all movies etc must be first transfered to the DP and also stored their before they could be played back. This would mean Gbit Network as a must etc... Also something that needs to be considered
  • [QUOTE=Marty Postma;73221]I wouldn't say a bitmap animator takes it far enough....just a still image that then moves around is OK, but not nearly dynamic enough. A low-res video file would offer much better options, or some sort of onboard file conversion that can take a higher res file and sample pixel areas to take it down to a lower res.

    Hey Marty,

    yes and no...
    I agree that it would offer much more options.
    I would love to see something like in Clarity.
    But no because of all the reasons you also mentioned: which files, which codec, processor load etc etc
    JB also mentioned one thing: when a problem occurs the whole system might be affected...
    And when I see the answers to my question which array size etc the people are using a animated bmp would be good for 90% or more, even if we had the chance to play real video it would be better.
    I think one of the main-differences to consoles like Clarity and Chamsys is that the HOG OS distributes the calculation to specific nodes and doesnt do all the DMX calculation in the console. Once a cue is programmed it is "stored" in the DP and the console only starts this cue and let all calculations be done by the DP.
    So that would mean all movies etc must be first transfered to the DP and also stored their before they could be played back. This would mean Gbit Network as a must etc... Also something that needs to be considered
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