global effects

I'm struggleing with the FX-engine.
I'm trying to build global FX (position/color/etc) but every effect doesn't work for any fixture even when i press the global button in the recort menu..........:dunno:
what to do?
  • Had the same issue but I think a combination of both your responses might answer this for me.

    But, just in case...

    I have recorded a simple three channel fire effect. It's essentially Rand2 with an offset of 0>300 and some adjustments to the fx rate, length, etc... I even tried it eliminating the offset (which somewhat defeats the purpose of the effect but I wanted to try).

    No matter how I record it I can't get it to work on any fixtures other than the three desk channels I first programmed. Any advice? Running 2.1.2 on Hog 4
  • Had the same issue but I think a combination of both your responses might answer this for me.

    But, just in case...

    I have recorded a simple three channel fire effect. It's essentially Rand2 with an offset of 0>300 and some adjustments to the fx rate, length, etc... I even tried it eliminating the offset (which somewhat defeats the purpose of the effect but I wanted to try).

    No matter how I record it I can't get it to work on any fixtures other than the three desk channels I first programmed. Any advice? Running 2.1.2 on Hog 4
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