Very annoying hog 4 PC issue

Morning all. I'm fighting a hog 4 PC and not winning. I have installed the latest version on a windows 8 machine running i5 chip. When I launch hog the server takes ages to load if at all. On the rare ocation that it does load (ip it is slow and then the super widget fails, the server fails and the console fails.
The playback portion of the nano refuses to work. It will work fine after I restart the computer about 20 times but as soon a I start it up again the same thing happens. It won't launch hog 4 PC, freezes, or launces but expiation mark of death spreads and no dmx output ect. I have been at it for hours.

I've beer had a single problem until now. Also if I close hog and re open it it says that tere is another instance of hog PC already running. In task manager ther are 5 or 6 hog applications open. It refuses to end process so I have to restart the PC and start again. Also a hog dialog box appears and says wait or kill some process. I have uninstalled it, re installed. Tried that silly roll back network driver thing. I'm really tied and I have to have this working before I go home tonight (local time is 10pm) please someone help me
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