Programming Timecode


after a Timecodeshowprogramming, i must say, the Procedure is horrorble!

Is something planed for a new Timcodeprogramming? Nice would be a visual Timeline, recording all Events (Flash, Fadermoves, etc..), editing the Events by drag and drop. This is much easyer and faster!
Right now, it needs to many Time to set a Show on Timecode!!!!!!!

  • I think there are 2 things that would be a great improvement.

    Firstly as Marc says the ability to import and export timings directly into a cue list.

    The second is an event, a hybrid of a cue list with no cue data and a keystroke macro, being limited to playback actions only and which would record button presses, page changes, fader movements etc. as described by Marco with a timecode stamp across each action. These events would be replayed by the relevant timecode source or wait time. Clearly there would be a need to open these up and edit them as you would a list or macro also.

    Both have been requested and are hopefully being considered for future software releases.


  • I think there are 2 things that would be a great improvement.

    Firstly as Marc says the ability to import and export timings directly into a cue list.

    The second is an event, a hybrid of a cue list with no cue data and a keystroke macro, being limited to playback actions only and which would record button presses, page changes, fader movements etc. as described by Marco with a timecode stamp across each action. These events would be replayed by the relevant timecode source or wait time. Clearly there would be a need to open these up and edit them as you would a list or macro also.

    Both have been requested and are hopefully being considered for future software releases.


No Data