HOG4PC Nano Mode and Multiple Monitors

Running HOG4PC (one release back from the current version) and when running in Nano mode we could not get multiple monitors to work well. We had to revert to regular mode (5 encoders) which was a bit of a drag because we are using the HOG3 programming wing and HOG3 playback wings.

Is there a trick to getting Nano mode to work well with multiple monitors. It seems like when you switch to Nano mode the main screen has some fixed layouts that could not be modified. It may be that we just couldn't figure out how to do what we wanted with the screen layouts. We could not get the playback and cue lists on the monitor we wanted.


Ephrata Performing Arts Center
  • Part of the problem with the Nano mode is that it should have split into 2 options. One of them would control the front panel's 5 to 4 encoder transition and the other to control the change in the Hog window behavior. If you use 2 external touch screens like I have for my Hog4PC backup you lose some of the window flexibility. It may be that the original designer of the Nano mode feature did not spend much time with a dual external monitor setup. It is (almost) safe to assume that as some point of expansion somebody would move to one of the consoles.

    See the following thread for further explanation. forums.highend.com/showthread.php?t=13794

    Kevin Montagne
  • Part of the problem with the Nano mode is that it should have split into 2 options. One of them would control the front panel's 5 to 4 encoder transition and the other to control the change in the Hog window behavior. If you use 2 external touch screens like I have for my Hog4PC backup you lose some of the window flexibility. It may be that the original designer of the Nano mode feature did not spend much time with a dual external monitor setup. It is (almost) safe to assume that as some point of expansion somebody would move to one of the consoles.

    See the following thread for further explanation. forums.highend.com/showthread.php?t=13794

    Kevin Montagne
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