Fan between colors

Is there a quick and easy way to fan say 36 RGB LED fixtures from Orange to Lite blue? Aka, across the color wheel. (Or Pink to Green).

Using the color picker wheel. Holding down fan, and adjusting the Saturation will get you from Orange to White. With shades in between. If you adjust with the HUE wheel, Yes you do get from Orange to Lite Blue, but it will span across with pink and purple (or yellows and greens if you go the other way).

Is there an easy way to do it this using the fan option. Or will I just have to do it the old fashion time consuming way of picking each fixture and adjusting?
  • If I understand the question correctly you want the colors fanned through the center of the color wheel. To do this, open the Colour Picker (HS color wheel) and set the first half of your fixtures to one endpoint, then set the second half of your fixtures to the other endpoint, then hold the Set key and tap on the Saturation wheel and enter 100 Thru 0 Thru 100. This programs the desired colors at each end of the fixture selection, fading through white in the middle. Again, this only works if you want to go through the center of the color wheel (white).
  • If I understand the question correctly you want the colors fanned through the center of the color wheel. To do this, open the Colour Picker (HS color wheel) and set the first half of your fixtures to one endpoint, then set the second half of your fixtures to the other endpoint, then hold the Set key and tap on the Saturation wheel and enter 100 Thru 0 Thru 100. This programs the desired colors at each end of the fixture selection, fading through white in the middle. Again, this only works if you want to go through the center of the color wheel (white).
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