Artnet Bug?

Seems I have come across a bug that when we log into our files (Hog 4, 2.2.0) -- it seems the console does not always begin to output art net. I have put a packet viewer on the network and confirmed that when we power down the console and cold start into a show (any show) art net does not start. You log out and log back into the show it and immediately starts outputting art net. Any other shows we load or change to after the console has been left on, will then output art net immediately upon show load.

Anyone else seen this issue?
  • Good evening

    Seems that I'm wrestling with the same problem that just occurred two hours ago. I updated my Road Hog to 2.2.0, merged the show file I had used througout spring tour just to fix some cuelists for summer.

    Everything went well until "network error has occurred - - " window appeared for few times. Then I decided to boot my console. After rebooting ArtNet stopped working. I restored system back to 2.1.0. Didn't help, no connection to my fixtures via ArtNet. All settings were same as few months ago when everything went well. Occasinally fixtures did something on stage when playing back a cuelist but can be said that nothing really happened. I checked the Network Diagnostics page and the 'State' of ArtNet was bouncing between 'Down' and 'Disconnected'

    Very disturbing issue...of course can be user type error, hah! All help is welcome, thanks!

    - Juho
  • Good evening

    Seems that I'm wrestling with the same problem that just occurred two hours ago. I updated my Road Hog to 2.2.0, merged the show file I had used througout spring tour just to fix some cuelists for summer.

    Everything went well until "network error has occurred - - " window appeared for few times. Then I decided to boot my console. After rebooting ArtNet stopped working. I restored system back to 2.1.0. Didn't help, no connection to my fixtures via ArtNet. All settings were same as few months ago when everything went well. Occasinally fixtures did something on stage when playing back a cuelist but can be said that nothing really happened. I checked the Network Diagnostics page and the 'State' of ArtNet was bouncing between 'Down' and 'Disconnected'

    Very disturbing issue...of course can be user type error, hah! All help is welcome, thanks!

    - Juho
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