Road Hog4 Programmer Lockup

So, I'm programming a gobo look with rotating gobos. Road Hog4 and Martin MacIIIs. I want the two fixtures to rotate their gobos at the same speed in opposite directions.

I run the "Gobo <>" wheel to the desired speed, then select one unit, hold down the "-" key and touch the wheel. Yesterday when I did this, I got the desired result. Today when I do this, the Programmer freezes. I still have faders and playback, but no wheels or keys in the Programmer area. Can't even clear the programmer. Touch screen cursor follows the touches, but no buttons respond.

Everything comes back after a console re-set (which has to be hard-switched, because the "Setup" key doesn't respond), but I've been able to re-create this three times in a row.
  • Sorry to take so long getting back. Thanks for your responses, I just couldn't get back on-line consistently to get back to you.

    Console is running the build just before this latest update (build 633). The show was written from scratch in the Road Hog4.

    I'll try the test you describe when the console makes it back to our shop on Monday. Of course, we'll plan on a software update then as well.

    Thanks again for your responses, folks. I'll update you when I can.

  • Sorry to take so long getting back. Thanks for your responses, I just couldn't get back on-line consistently to get back to you.

    Console is running the build just before this latest update (build 633). The show was written from scratch in the Road Hog4.

    I'll try the test you describe when the console makes it back to our shop on Monday. Of course, we'll plan on a software update then as well.

    Thanks again for your responses, folks. I'll update you when I can.

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