Select the requested fixture(s) or group(s). Hit CLEAR + the attributes you with to clear. (for example COLOR) Now these attributes are unselected (unprogrammed) in the current cue. If you need any kind of writing help you can approach this [LINK DELETED] for more details.
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I have Hog4 PC. I have tried the suggestions every way I can think of, and it won't work. I can't "knockout" a fixture from a cue list. When I highlight it (select it), and hit knockout, it "unselects", but it stays in the cue list. Setting the intensity to 0% doesn't help because I need to control this fixture with another list and they interfere with each other.
Play the Cue Hit Cue Cue (the cue played should open) Make sure the Edit button is enable Hit Clear so nothing is selected Now select the unit you want to remove from the cue (x enter) Hit the knockout button The should now see the word *Modified* Hit the Update button The fixture should now be removed from the cue
Ok, I followed both of these instructions with no desired results.
Michael: I did not see the word *Modified* anywhere and the fixtures did not disappear. jxgriffi: I followed your instructions and "Remove" appeared no where in my options. I can take screen shots if that would help.