Select the requested fixture(s) or group(s). Hit CLEAR + the attributes you with to clear. (for example COLOR) Now these attributes are unselected (unprogrammed) in the current cue. If you need any kind of writing help you can approach this [LINK DELETED] for more details.
[MODERATOR ANNOTATION] EricLKelly - Please note that this forum strictly forbids advertising- and considers it SPAM. I am issuing a notice on the account. If the instance happens once again, you will be banned for disregarding the forums rules.
Select the requested fixture(s) or group(s). Hit CLEAR + the attributes you with to clear. (for example COLOR) Now these attributes are unselected (unprogrammed) in the current cue. If you need any kind of writing help you can approach this [LINK DELETED] for more details.
[MODERATOR ANNOTATION] EricLKelly - Please note that this forum strictly forbids advertising- and considers it SPAM. I am issuing a notice on the account. If the instance happens once again, you will be banned for disregarding the forums rules.