jxgriffi: Thanks for the link. I definitely did not see any of those options on the toolbar.
Michael: I'm guessing it's tracking into this cue, since I never assigned it any values. I'm still new at this and not sure on all the settings for telling it which cue is "boss" of the controls yet.
I've since deleted the "bad" cues, but I need to re-add them using the proper settings.
Ok, I've been reading up on Tracking and Cuelists now that you guys have giving me the correct terminology to look for. Looks like I might have to rethink some cues. Thanks for the help. You can consider this solved, since I know what the problem was.
There's also a little trick... the off values (in MA world they are called release), but since they are not fully supported it's a bit difficult to use them.
Ok, I have a same same but different problem. I cant select the edit button anymore. I hit clear three times, and then it deselected edit. Since then I can no longer edit any of my cues this way. I can still edit scenes this way but not cues....