Artnet Universes

Wondering if anyone could tell me if the direct onboard art-net output of the Hog 4 range of consoles is limited by hardware of software?
I understand the Hog 4 Fullsize is capped at 16 universes and the Full Boar at 12 but wondering if there is any possibility this could be increased easily in line with other consoles in a similar price range?
With several fixture manufactures creating fixtures that have very high channel counts in full expanded mode I'm thinking this situation is only going to continue in an upward only direction.

Regards C
  • One issue to consider is the processing capability of the consoles. We can support 2-4 universes on a HedgeHog without much difficulty, but increasing that amount may run into CPU limitations, which would mean lower DMX refresh rates, etc. The larger consoles have more memory and faster CPUs, and can support more universes accordingly. We allow more universes on Hog 4 PC since we don't control the hardware, and don't want to limit users with powerful PCs. But you can run Hog 4 PC on a slow PC and can run into CPU and memory limits.
  • One issue to consider is the processing capability of the consoles. We can support 2-4 universes on a HedgeHog without much difficulty, but increasing that amount may run into CPU limitations, which would mean lower DMX refresh rates, etc. The larger consoles have more memory and faster CPUs, and can support more universes accordingly. We allow more universes on Hog 4 PC since we don't control the hardware, and don't want to limit users with powerful PCs. But you can run Hog 4 PC on a slow PC and can run into CPU and memory limits.
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