(Bug) Undo Knocks out previously recorded parameters in specific circumstances

Fixture has CMY parameters recorded in cue.
Change fixture to HSI parameters. Update cue (also works with Merge).
Undo. Parameters are reselected.
Undo. Color info is knocked out of cue (instead of reverting to previous CMY parameters)

Performs as expected when Updating CMY to CMY parameters and HSI to HSI parameters.
  • Okay just to make sure,
    Record a Cue with HSI parameters and then update the cue with CMY parameters.
    Hit Undo and the HSI parameters are not returning?
    I am seeing the HSI parameters return.

    Can you please tell me the fixture you are using and even a step by step repro?

    I am using a studiobeam and just mixing a HSI or CMY value and recording a simple cue and then clearing the programmer before I hit undo.
  • Okay just to make sure,
    Record a Cue with HSI parameters and then update the cue with CMY parameters.
    Hit Undo and the HSI parameters are not returning?
    I am seeing the HSI parameters return.

    Can you please tell me the fixture you are using and even a step by step repro?

    I am using a studiobeam and just mixing a HSI or CMY value and recording a simple cue and then clearing the programmer before I hit undo.
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