Palette update not behaving as expected

I was having the following issue this week updating palettes just wondered if this was an issue or a process problem my end.

I think I am having issues with Palette's updating whilst active in the output.

1) Palette X is in the beam directory, I-CB unlocked in the directory, all parameters touched before recording. so the palette is showing I.CBET in the top right corner. No references.

2) Fixture Y is in Palette X and outputting in an active cue.

3) Select Fixture Y an change some values, it is a Catalyst layer so I am changing Colour FX, beam information etc.

4) Touch - record - add all - Palette X - Merge.

5) Clear the programmer

6) Fixture snaps back to previous values, if Fix Y and Pal X are selected the values have not updated.

If in step 4 you Update and select the active Palette it does record changes.
