Minor Inhibitive Master bug (2.4.0)

Moving a group from its directory onto an occupied master fails and crashes desktop (though works as expected from command line).
Moving to an empty master and then to an occupied one also works.
  • Only occurs if the master is already in use by a cuelist (occupied). I tried to assign a group on top of a cuelist (from a template page) which crashed my desktop but repro's if the cuelist is on the page i am trying to assign the group to. Command line syntax works as expected and the group replaces the cuelist. Assigning a group over another group works ok.

    am multi console 2x hog4 & 2x DP800 Problem occurs with and without second console connected. happens on either console when connected. new h4 show
  • Only occurs if the master is already in use by a cuelist (occupied). I tried to assign a group on top of a cuelist (from a template page) which crashed my desktop but repro's if the cuelist is on the page i am trying to assign the group to. Command line syntax works as expected and the group replaces the cuelist. Assigning a group over another group works ok.

    am multi console 2x hog4 & 2x DP800 Problem occurs with and without second console connected. happens on either console when connected. new h4 show
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