Weird thing with submaster Bug??

I have a thing that isn’t very useful for us. Can someone help me?

Settings when switching page’s
-Page change Action : Leave in Background
-Remember intensity Values

List 1 = Channel 1->20 @100%
Group 1 = Channel 1->20

Page 1
Master 1: List 1 Fader@100%
Master 2: Group 1 Fader@50% (Submaster)

The output of channel 1 -> 20 is now 50%

When I move to page 2 the output of channel 1->20 is now 100%, switching back to page 1 sets the output of channel 1-> 20 back to 50%

We use a lot of submasters, and with this bug its very inconvenient.

Is there a way to avoid this?