Altering intensity and RGB values

I don't get to program every day, but as I was using the current version of Hog 4 PC I noticed a few potential anomalies. My question is whether or not it is intentional. Below is a sequence of events that led up to my finding.

Patch an RGB-W fixture
Select the fixture and select Full intensity
Alter RGB-W values to create a color
Now change the intensity of the said fixture. Notice that it looses the set RGB-W values
Reset your RGB-W values in the programer
Record the cue into a playback fader
Clear the programer
Slide down the playback fader, observe RGB-W levels as it fades
Restore the fader to 100%, now slide down the GM fader
Observe the RGB-W levels as it fades, it misses the White channel.

Thank you for your time.
Lane Williams
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