
Hi, as mentioned before this has been happening on another show. running latest version, on pc with nano for programming.

hog 4 pc becomes unresponsive and must be forced to close, and end process on all 5 processes after doing any of the following:

while after starting a new show, it crashes every time i try to record a cue or list to a master.(now wont record any cue lists anywhere) even after re install, restarting ect.

after naming a bunch of scenes or cue lists.

updating a cue in a list


after starting new show, opening patch window and loading fixtures is, selecting the fixtures, i press @ and nothing happens. if i restart it works.

hog 4 disappears occasionally from my screens but is still running in the back ground.

every time any of these instances above occur, hog 4 pc is still outputting dmx, and play back still works, even if hog is not actually running on the screen.

i have a major festival in 2 days time, site programing is to commence in less than 20 hours from the time of this post. ive already tried your hotline, nobody answered. I'm in Australia. please help.

i had no problems with the last update or any of them really except for that ftdriver issue, now total chaos. i should mention that the file runs fine on fb4, but that doesnt help me now while programming on pc.
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