
Hi, as mentioned before this has been happening on another show. running latest version, on pc with nano for programming.

hog 4 pc becomes unresponsive and must be forced to close, and end process on all 5 processes after doing any of the following:

while after starting a new show, it crashes every time i try to record a cue or list to a master.(now wont record any cue lists anywhere) even after re install, restarting ect.

after naming a bunch of scenes or cue lists.

updating a cue in a list


after starting new show, opening patch window and loading fixtures is, selecting the fixtures, i press @ and nothing happens. if i restart it works.

hog 4 disappears occasionally from my screens but is still running in the back ground.

every time any of these instances above occur, hog 4 pc is still outputting dmx, and play back still works, even if hog is not actually running on the screen.

i have a major festival in 2 days time, site programing is to commence in less than 20 hours from the time of this post. ive already tried your hotline, nobody answered. I'm in Australia. please help.

i had no problems with the last update or any of them really except for that ftdriver issue, now total chaos. i should mention that the file runs fine on fb4, but that doesnt help me now while programming on pc.
  • i am having huge problems with hog 4. The forums have not been working for me since the new site was loaded, and ive tried to call your hotline for help but since im in australia nobody is ever awake.

    since i updated to the latest version of hog pc, all my show files (made new in this update) have critical errors.

    when i begin programming after an hour or so, i lose the ability to record cues on masters, or just onto lists. when i hit record hog pc crashes. it is un responsive and does a force close happens. then when i try to open it again there are still 5 pcocceses runnig, so im hit with the "hog is already running" message. once i restart im typically able to record a cue onto a master or list once before the cycle of death starts over again.

    the problem is carried over to fb4 when i use it, but seems to run ok with show files created by other people. this as you can imagine is massively frustrating for me. i have several small shows coming up witch require vast amounts of timecoded cues that i am so far unable to program. i need help! i need instructions on who to send my show files to, how to do show (as i remember i need to do some 3rd party transfer or something?)

    also please for the love of god can you fix the forums? to access this ive used the www2. prefix. seems to work.
  • i am having huge problems with hog 4. The forums have not been working for me since the new site was loaded, and ive tried to call your hotline for help but since im in australia nobody is ever awake.

    since i updated to the latest version of hog pc, all my show files (made new in this update) have critical errors.

    when i begin programming after an hour or so, i lose the ability to record cues on masters, or just onto lists. when i hit record hog pc crashes. it is un responsive and does a force close happens. then when i try to open it again there are still 5 pcocceses runnig, so im hit with the "hog is already running" message. once i restart im typically able to record a cue onto a master or list once before the cycle of death starts over again.

    the problem is carried over to fb4 when i use it, but seems to run ok with show files created by other people. this as you can imagine is massively frustrating for me. i have several small shows coming up witch require vast amounts of timecoded cues that i am so far unable to program. i need help! i need instructions on who to send my show files to, how to do show (as i remember i need to do some 3rd party transfer or something?)

    also please for the love of god can you fix the forums? to access this ive used the www2. prefix. seems to work.
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