
Hi, as mentioned before this has been happening on another show. running latest version, on pc with nano for programming.

hog 4 pc becomes unresponsive and must be forced to close, and end process on all 5 processes after doing any of the following:

while after starting a new show, it crashes every time i try to record a cue or list to a master.(now wont record any cue lists anywhere) even after re install, restarting ect.

after naming a bunch of scenes or cue lists.

updating a cue in a list


after starting new show, opening patch window and loading fixtures is, selecting the fixtures, i press @ and nothing happens. if i restart it works.

hog 4 disappears occasionally from my screens but is still running in the back ground.

every time any of these instances above occur, hog 4 pc is still outputting dmx, and play back still works, even if hog is not actually running on the screen.

i have a major festival in 2 days time, site programing is to commence in less than 20 hours from the time of this post. ive already tried your hotline, nobody answered. I'm in Australia. please help.

i had no problems with the last update or any of them really except for that ftdriver issue, now total chaos. i should mention that the file runs fine on fb4, but that doesnt help me now while programming on pc.
  • The office has been mostly closed over the Christmas and New Year Holidays. A lot of the guys take that to time off, hence the delay in response on the forums this time of year. Having said that, the support guys have either been in the office and/or the 24-hour emergency support is always active. You have to dial the main HES number +1 512 836 2242, and follow though the automated prompt, which will ring the on-call support person.

    Most everyone is back in the office as usual Monday. My guess is Michael will be able to get into this more then.

    Unfortunately, going off the descriptions above this smells of show file corruption, but the SW guys will be able to look into this further with your show files.

    Out of curiosity, have you tried merging one of these suspect show files into a new show. You have to re-patch, but it may be worth a try.

  • Yes. Unfortunately each of the show files I'm having trouble with were all brand spanking new files created with the current software version. Hence my frustration. The guys being back on Monday does put my mind at ease. Each of these shows was a one off show, and I'm programming my next one soon for a short tour, so it would be great to have some answers soon :)
  • Of course! We are here to help you guys and want to you to know some one is there.

    Assuming these crashes are repeatable with the show file, (are they?) Then it helps Michael/Chris duplicate the problem.

    Are there any specific steps on any one of the show files which would always produce the crash? Repeat-ability not only helps recreate the issue so the SW guys can see it happen for de-bugging, it's probably just as crucial when a potential SW fix has been done to test against.

    Countless times we get show files where there is a crash, but we are unable to re-create it in the test lab, so it becomes difficult to know if the fix is correct.

    While I'm thinking about it, you didn't by chance send any of the .log files from the console. Most times when the console experiences a crash, it creates a dump file. If created, this is located in the 'Logs' folder in the file browser. SOMETIMES (not all) sending these log files along with the show file can be helpful, as the give the SW guys a little more data about what the console was doing when it crashed.

    If you experience a crash, AND it's repeatable, I would go and delete any old log files from that folder, re-create the crash, and then send that log file in with the show file.

    v2.6.0 really had one major change in it, and that was the show-file compression to essentially reduce show file size and add a bit of efficiency.

    Michael should be back to you soon.

    Anyone can also feel free to email me directly paul_hancock(at)highend(dot)com.

    Hope this helps,
  • Mate the more info I can send you guys they better. I do really appreciate the tireless efforts you guys put in to continue supporting what it regardless, a terrific product :)

    I will try to replicate the fault with my new show in the studio when I begin programming on Monday. Unfortunately I don't know if I would have log files for the other shows as these are all a few in the past.

    The most common problem I'm having is the record issue. I can easily replicate this by simply staring a new show and recording for a few hours. I have since posting this thread seen of others here in these forums having a similar issue so that is good news.

    As far as the crashing after reading naming scenes is concerned his seems to have disappeared.

    In all instances the console goes critical and all windows disappear but the processes are all still active tasks thus the "another instance is already running" message..

    It is odd tho after restarting that the problem persists trying to store cues
  • Hello,

    I did get the show files and have looked into the problem you are reporting.
    I have not had any luck crashing desktop when recording.
    This is something we are looking into.
  • today Im back in the studio programming. I am getting desktop crashs working with macro. changing macro timings in macro editor, closing the macro window and stopping the macro before it is complete.

    the macro is just a keystroke, setting dmx channels to remote artnet in
  • This is still happening. my next show goes out on tour in just over a week. yet another new show file, on latest version and desktop crashes every time i hit record. still have hundreds of cues to program. this is a matter of urgency. not something we can wait till the next update to resolve. Michael would you like a copy of this show file?

    at the time of crash i was recording color cues for busking. everything was fin, then i hit record on a look i was happy with them bam. hog be gone. no log generated. im going to open the processes in an external window and see if they stay up during the crash