Hi Im running HogPC 4 v2.5.0 with my hog widget and its working great. But I cant get windows 7 to see my playback wing. It keeps showing up as a unknown usb device. I have checked the forum and tried what was recommended to them but no change. I have tried uninstalling the driver and re scanned for new hardware which then says it was successfully installed but still shows as uknown device. I have tried it with the power connected and without. Still nothing. it use to work an I never needed it to ask to install it. Now every time i plug it in, it wants to install and its never right. Is there some driver i can manually install to fix this?
Hi Tim, check to see if the USB ports being used are USB3, they will have a blue color when looking towards the inside. If yes try a non USB3 port and see if you have better luck.
There isn't an external driver to load. When it runs the hardware wizard or similar and loads the drivers, it may want to run through more than one time, let it as there are more than one element to load in the Wings.
It is possible the Processor PCB inside has failed and needs repair. This is usually the case when it just will not communicate with consoles or PCs.
Are you using the power supply with the wing or just a USB cable? Is your laptop plugged in or on battery? If only a USB cable and/or laptop on battery power the power management of your USB ports may need to be changed on your PC. Best way is to use the power supply for the wing with the laptop plugged in and go from there.
Yes, I'm still having problems. Though I'm pretty sure it is the Processor PCB now. I guess it was slowly dying. But my concern is if its worth repairing since it is $961.92 to repair. Because if its not going to work with usb3 its useless to me because my new laptop only has usb3. Unless someone can tell me for sure the is a way to make it work with usb3. Which i don't understand since they are backward compatible.