playback release after clock change

After changing the clock of my RH4 all running playbacks were released. Did someone had the same issue? How to fix it?
  • But I guess only when you have external NPUs....
    If you have your DMX Output local and shutdown your system you wont get any output?! Or?!
    Also thru a reboot I guess...

    And there is good and bad everywhere:
    ... try to change your patch in the middle of a programming session with multiple consoles or add same fixtures without having everybody to stop working... This is something other brands should also think of...
  • But I guess only when you have external NPUs....
    If you have your DMX Output local and shutdown your system you wont get any output?! Or?!
    Also thru a reboot I guess...

    And there is good and bad everywhere:
    ... try to change your patch in the middle of a programming session with multiple consoles or add same fixtures without having everybody to stop working... This is something other brands should also think of...
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