Hog 4 PC. Have a scene saved and the directory window open. With guard off when I tap the scene it is played on stage. How do I release the scene via the directory? Seems like a second tap would release it, but no. Pig/tap nothing. Any ideas?
Second taps only work with cuelists when you have "add release end cue" set. Scenes are single identities so a second tap just runs it again.
To release…press and hold the button and hit the release key. So for Hog4PC, hold down "Shift" (to enable multiple presses) click the scene box and then release key.
Second taps only work with cuelists when you have "add release end cue" set. Scenes are single identities so a second tap just runs it again.
To release…press and hold the button and hit the release key. So for Hog4PC, hold down "Shift" (to enable multiple presses) click the scene box and then release key.