FB-4 DVI Output #2 Not working After Upgrade

We recently upgraded 1 of our Full Boar 4s from v2.7 to v3.0.1 and everything was initially running fine. In the process of reconfiguring the FB-4 network settings to connect to our Wyg workstation, we had to do a couple of reboots. On the 2nd or 3 reboot, the DVI Output # 2 stopped working.

Swapped monitors, cables, even opened the cover and reseated the connections and graphics card. (None of which seemed to be loose.)

I may go back to v2.7 to see if that helps, but this seems really weird. Perhaps a bad output on the GPU, but it seems strange that it happened so soon after the upgrade. Anyone else seeing something similar? Any other tips to try before either rolling back to v2.7 or possibly ordering a replacement GPU?


Travis Slyter
Ruehling & Associates, Inc.