1. Align tools (similar to CAD or photoshop programs)
selecting 10 lights and drawing a straight line 'grid'. Would love ability to hold PIG (for example) and click drag line to create a horizontal or vertical line. Currently its free form when drawn and usually end up at 1deg rotation, and I need to edit each one after drawing (going into Position and adjusting rotation).

2. Copy /paste lights to retain layout 'grid settings"
Plot a line of lights in a straight line O-----O----O-----O-----O-----O------O-----O
Copy them and paste in a new plot.
The same fixtures are pasted but with a new grid size
Have to manually edit column and row numbers.

3. Merge Plots
Would like ability to merge plots layouts together. Eg. Plot 1 has screen surround 1 and Plot 2 has Ground row layout.
Ideally would be able to Select Plot 1, (Record) Plot 3. Select Plot 2, (Merge) Plot 3.
Plot 3 would then be a combination of plot 1 and 2 layouts without having to redo all the layout work.
(Note, I tried the syntax of merging a Plot into another plot. It says it's merging, but nothing actually changes.)
  • agreed, a snap to grid would be great. Also, I think that the position and width field should default to whole numbers rather than the current default to two decimal places. I like being able to adjust later using the decimals if needed, but it's too tedious to have them utilized initially.

    - another request is a 'Send forward' and 'send Backward' type function for plots. I like to overlap multipart fixtures like Auras and Robins.
  • agreed, a snap to grid would be great. Also, I think that the position and width field should default to whole numbers rather than the current default to two decimal places. I like being able to adjust later using the decimals if needed, but it's too tedious to have them utilized initially.

    - another request is a 'Send forward' and 'send Backward' type function for plots. I like to overlap multipart fixtures like Auras and Robins.
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