I have been given a MAC running HogPC 3.1.0 on Windows 8.1 on VMware Fusion and the showflies will not uncompress when opened. This seems like a VMware issue does anyone know of a fix?
If you need to run it on a Mac, do your self a favor and run it through boot camp. That way you are fully utilizing the computer's processing power and not crippling yourself running TWO operating systems PLUS Hog PC at the same time.
In my opinion, Parallels and VMware are great if you need to open programs that aren't huge computing hogs, or to quickly reference something. But expecting two operating systems running at the same time and sharing the same ports with different drivers and fighting over priority for them is asking for trouble in a show scenario.
That said, I use Bootcamp with a windows 7 install and HogPC4 all the time with no problems.
If you need to run it on a Mac, do your self a favor and run it through boot camp. That way you are fully utilizing the computer's processing power and not crippling yourself running TWO operating systems PLUS Hog PC at the same time.
In my opinion, Parallels and VMware are great if you need to open programs that aren't huge computing hogs, or to quickly reference something. But expecting two operating systems running at the same time and sharing the same ports with different drivers and fighting over priority for them is asking for trouble in a show scenario.
That said, I use Bootcamp with a windows 7 install and HogPC4 all the time with no problems.