Unable to open a backup file on Hog 4 PC


I saved a show file as a backup from my Hog 4, and I would like to open it on Hog 4 PC. But, the software, after asking me where I'd like to save the show file, doesn't open the show. Instead, the start screen comes back, and the show I'd like to open is not save anywhere. Anyone can help me?
  • This is the message I found in the log viewer after the extraction step. I found this type of message each time I tried to open a show in Hog4PC, show saved on a USB key from my HedgeHog4:
    10181247 10181247 112 Launcher-1-80fa5b0d0b99 Os.Archive Error launcher-win32-golden.exe Main bool __thiscall Os::Archive::ExtractNext(const wchar_t *,class fps::string &) osarchive.cpp 342 File extract failure for archive E:/MariageSan_bck.hog3.shw (system error code 2)
  • This is the message I found in the log viewer after the extraction step. I found this type of message each time I tried to open a show in Hog4PC, show saved on a USB key from my HedgeHog4:
    10181247 10181247 112 Launcher-1-80fa5b0d0b99 Os.Archive Error launcher-win32-golden.exe Main bool __thiscall Os::Archive::ExtractNext(const wchar_t *,class fps::string &) osarchive.cpp 342 File extract failure for archive E:/MariageSan_bck.hog3.shw (system error code 2)
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