Visualiser not working

So far I have been using Light covers to make my training more efficient. Unfortunately
after installing the new version on both PC and RH4, I am not able to get LC working. Then I tries with Show designer that was working perfectly with 3.1 ... .also same thing!
  • Akito, link state up is correct. I'm sorry. Windows says connected/disconnected and Hog says up/down. Sorry about that confusion. Okay, so now we established you have a valid and connected/up running network adapter we need to figure out why you are not getting data into WYG35.

    For those running WYG:
    Remember in WYG you must hit the connect button in the WYG device manager for the DP and also assign the DP device in WYG a value of 1,2,3, or 4.

    Jacob, the key here in your particular setup with the RH and the W10 PC is to make sure that both the console and PC are set to obtain IP using dhcp. Then of course you need to make sure you have a DP8000 added in the WYG device manager and have it assigned to a number 1,2,3,4 and have that DP8000 device listed with a connected status. Once all that is running you need to make sure you bind the DP propery to the WYG universes. Then of course you need to make sure the console is setup properly. "Run visualizer stream" needs to be turned on in the launcher window and the visualizer node settings need to be configured as well. Art-net output does not need to be turned on. In fact, you might want to turn it off. My last troubleshooting step for you might be to try and bypass the router entirely just incase it is not able to route the traffic and try instead just to connect the console directly to the PC and assign static IP address to both.
  • Akito, link state up is correct. I'm sorry. Windows says connected/disconnected and Hog says up/down. Sorry about that confusion. Okay, so now we established you have a valid and connected/up running network adapter we need to figure out why you are not getting data into WYG35.

    For those running WYG:
    Remember in WYG you must hit the connect button in the WYG device manager for the DP and also assign the DP device in WYG a value of 1,2,3, or 4.

    Jacob, the key here in your particular setup with the RH and the W10 PC is to make sure that both the console and PC are set to obtain IP using dhcp. Then of course you need to make sure you have a DP8000 added in the WYG device manager and have it assigned to a number 1,2,3,4 and have that DP8000 device listed with a connected status. Once all that is running you need to make sure you bind the DP propery to the WYG universes. Then of course you need to make sure the console is setup properly. "Run visualizer stream" needs to be turned on in the launcher window and the visualizer node settings need to be configured as well. Art-net output does not need to be turned on. In fact, you might want to turn it off. My last troubleshooting step for you might be to try and bypass the router entirely just incase it is not able to route the traffic and try instead just to connect the console directly to the PC and assign static IP address to both.
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