2nd Additive View not really Addtive

Don't know if this has been forever but: Have some windows open on mainscreen, stored as a Not Addtive view called "Show"
I put a Scene Window on my external Monitor and store this as a Additive View "Scene1"
I put a Scene Window on my mainscreen and store this as a Additive View "Scene 2"

The second Additive View is not really Additive because it takes my scene window and puts it on my main screen.
Anyone has problems with this?? Maybe a solution?
  • What are you trying to accomplish? Do you want Scene 2 to have two instances of Scene Window? Just Copy Window, put one on each screen and save as View Scene 2.
    I understand what you are saying about logically thinking it would add both instances of the window, but I think its current behavior is more intuitive.
    Open "Show" view and then "Scene1" View and the scene window is added (combination of "Show" view and "Scene 1" view. The reason scene window 'moves' in Scene 2 view is that it sees it as the same instance of the scene window. It doesn't copy it or split it. It displays what it thinks is the correct positioning for Scene 2 view.
  • What are you trying to accomplish? Do you want Scene 2 to have two instances of Scene Window? Just Copy Window, put one on each screen and save as View Scene 2.
    I understand what you are saying about logically thinking it would add both instances of the window, but I think its current behavior is more intuitive.
    Open "Show" view and then "Scene1" View and the scene window is added (combination of "Show" view and "Scene 1" view. The reason scene window 'moves' in Scene 2 view is that it sees it as the same instance of the scene window. It doesn't copy it or split it. It displays what it thinks is the correct positioning for Scene 2 view.
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