2nd Additive View not really Addtive

Don't know if this has been forever but: Have some windows open on mainscreen, stored as a Not Addtive view called "Show"
I put a Scene Window on my external Monitor and store this as a Additive View "Scene1"
I put a Scene Window on my mainscreen and store this as a Additive View "Scene 2"

The second Additive View is not really Additive because it takes my scene window and puts it on my main screen.
Anyone has problems with this?? Maybe a solution?
  • Sander, it is additive, but I guess it has something to do the way you create your view.
    You only have one instance of a scene directory open each time you create that view. Guess thats why it is not working. When you recall the additive view, you already have one instance of the scene window open, the view recalls also just one instance, so that the open scene window will just be moved.
    The only solution I see at the moment is what had been suggested be ShrunkenNed... Have 2 instances open when recording the view.
  • Sander, it is additive, but I guess it has something to do the way you create your view.
    You only have one instance of a scene directory open each time you create that view. Guess thats why it is not working. When you recall the additive view, you already have one instance of the scene window open, the view recalls also just one instance, so that the open scene window will just be moved.
    The only solution I see at the moment is what had been suggested be ShrunkenNed... Have 2 instances open when recording the view.
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