Midi Control with midi controller on different pages.

Can anyone help me figure out how to control only the second page of cues on a Road Hog 4 via midi? I can already control the cuelist via midi notes control. However when I flip pages I want only the midi controller to control the console. Or if I could stay on page one and let page two be in the background. I basically need more physical buttons/Faders/etc. I am very limited by the 10 faders that the console has. I am not able to buy a wing wing with the budget so I am trying to do it in a more affordable way. On the Hog manual the Midi notes only go fro 0-10 for the playback bar. Are there different midi notes for page two that only control page two/3/etc? Help on this would be much appreciated. I am also open to other options that allow me more physical buttons.
  • Thank You for this. I really like how you set up your console. I will definitely give it a try. I kind of gave up on the midi control thing. I called High End and they walked me through it but it still was not working. They told me to enable a wing and then go into midi notes and set my midi channel to affect playback bar #1. I never got this to work because for some reason the board is hard coded on midi notes 1-10 and for some reason the channels do not change. So no matter what I did on the controller it would still affect the console faders only. I think this is du to me not actually having a wing. I did however get it to work when I disabled the console and just left the wing active. But this was not what I was trying to accomplish. I never could get both at the same time.
  • Thank You for this. I really like how you set up your console. I will definitely give it a try. I kind of gave up on the midi control thing. I called High End and they walked me through it but it still was not working. They told me to enable a wing and then go into midi notes and set my midi channel to affect playback bar #1. I never got this to work because for some reason the board is hard coded on midi notes 1-10 and for some reason the channels do not change. So no matter what I did on the controller it would still affect the console faders only. I think this is du to me not actually having a wing. I did however get it to work when I disabled the console and just left the wing active. But this was not what I was trying to accomplish. I never could get both at the same time.
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