Need help to create a Generic LED PAR fixture

Hello! I'm new in the hog world!!

I'm trying to create a fixture of a Generic LED Par and i'm having trouble!
There is no brand o model anywhere so i can't find a PDF to request the library.

The DMX chanels are:
1 - Dimmer
2 - Red
3 - Green
4 - Blue
5 - Strobe
6 - Programs (they are color changes with rate, i don't need this so i can let it Blank or just raw values...)

I'm trying :

1 - LED Intensity - Intensity - 0>255 - 0>100%
2 - Star Red - Red - 0>255 - 0>100%
3 - Star Green - Green - 0>255 - 0>100%
4 - Star Blue - Blue - 0>255 - 0>100%
5 - LED Strobe - Rate - 0>255 - 0Hz
6 - Don't know what to use

The problem is that the strobe is on all the time and all the color values are 100%

Any help!!! Thank you!!!
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