Working with an MA designer, and they wanted me to add a release similar to their desk. I know I can remove traits, but is there an actual, release or similar here? Never really programmed that way. I guess they are hoping that the lights will move back to where they were left in the adjacent cue.
So apparently when I record the fixture without forward it adds an OFF value for the following cue. Is there a way to manually add those values to an existing cue?
Are you working in version 3.2.0? If Iam right the "off value" was a bug in version 3.1.0 and should be fixed in 3.2.0. In 3.1.0 tracking off was broken.
Do you need off for other than intensity? I haven't tried with any other parameters, but you can try the following. Copy cue to the editor. Knockout others, just leave a one fixture with off. Record a global intensity palette. The palette stays gray even when you select fixtures, but it works. You can use the palette to create off values...
Should this all happen in one cue-list or do you have multiple cuelists? With multiple lists: You might work with ASSERT as a comment-macro for the "overwritten" cuelist, as this will restore the parameters from a stomped, but not released cuelist
I was just looking for an answer if it was possible like I described above. I don't typically use that function on the MA either, but this particular LD I was programming for did and asked for it, thus why I did my due diligence and was genuinely curious myself.
Using them is possible using the way I described. The idea of the off value is the same as MA's release and they work the same way. This is something that has been on the Hog a quite a long time, but the implementation is not complete. I've been wondering when they are going to make it fully work...