I had been using Hog version 2.7.0 b972 with a M-Audio Fast Track Pro usb device to convert the incoming Mini signal to USB device the console can read and pull time code from. (www.amazon.com/M-Audio-Track-Mobile-Interface-Preamps/dp/B000BD31ZW)
I returned to the venue this was at for the fall season this year to program new tracked shows for the house. I brought along a Road Hog 4 with v3.2.0 on it. Created a new show. Attached the Fast Track pro and in control panel, selected it as my MIDI time code input.
With in a minute the console software would lock up. I reboot the console. Try and load the show. And it gets locked up on "loading dpk2"
Tried rebooting again, and sitll locked up. I could load a new show and all would be well, until I selected the Fast Track Pro. Then it would lock up again.
I ended up having to roll back to v 2.7.0 to get it to work safely.
This issue worked for both the Console firmware, and the 4PC software